How to Pray the Rosary
Faith formation is not just for kids!
Faith Formation is a life-long process. We should continually grow in our faith. We hope that this site will be helpful and be fun at the same time. Watch for changes and new information!
The Eucharist: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics (October 2022)
Since our Eucharistic Revival has begun in June, we are gearing up for Eucharistic book studies at each of the four parishes in this Catholic community. The book, The Eucharist: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics, by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., along with a Catholic Bible, will be the materials used. The book explains the connection between Scripture and the Holy Eucharist. Books are on sale until the end of August, so we would like to order soon! Any small groups currently meeting are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity for spiritual growth. Those not part of a small group can either join with an existing group or form a group specifically for this Eucharistic study. But please sign up now—no later than August 26th. Sign up sheet is in the church entrance, OR call the parish office (715-427-5259)!
The Diocese of Superior has launched a new web page to house a collection of online Catholic resources to support adult faith formation. This new website includes links to interesting and informative websites, videos, podcasts, radio programs and mobile apps as well as resources for catechists.
Check out the new web page at:
The following are a number of questions that Catholics frequently ask. Contact our staff if you have a question you would like added to the list!
Q. Does watching Mass on television fulfill my Sunday obligation? A. TV Mass
Q. Why does the priest drop a particle of Host into the Chalice? A. Commingling
Q. How do we know when we receive the Holy Spirit? A. Holy Spirit
Q. How do we explain “Real Presence” to children? A. Real Presence
Q. How can someone discern what their vocation is? A. Discernment.
Q. Can you explain the duties of a bishop? A. Bishop Duties
Q: Can you explain the terms and objects used by bishops? A. Bishop Attire
Q: How big of an area does our Diocese of Superior cover? A. Map of WI (Note: Our diocese is shown in orange.)
Q: How can I avoid temptation? A. Temptation
Q: What is holy water and how do I explain the reason that it is placed at the entrances of churches to my non-Catholic friends? A. Holy Water
Q: The Feast of Christ the King is celebrated the last Sunday on the liturgical calendar. This year, it falls on Sunday, November 22. What is the purpose of this feast? A. Feast of Christ the King.
Q: Christmas just seems so commercialized. How can I help myself and my family to maintain the true meaning of Christmas in our homes and hearts? A. Christmas Preparations.
Q: We see more and more cremations in church. Is this acceptable in the Catholic faith? A: Cremation.
Q: Pope Francis has declared this a Jubilee Year of Mercy. What does this mean? A. Year of Mercy.
Q: What significance does the Advent season have? A. Advent