A message from Father Raj…
“Dear Parishioners, It has been over a week since we have been able to celebrate Mass together as a parish family. Despite the restrictions at this time, know that you are not alone. You are not left as orphans. Each of you is kept in prayer every day! Read more.
Congratulations to our 2020 Parish Stewardship Award Winner . . .
Mary B. Thums!

This year’s parish stewardship award winner has been active in the Church since a youth. But we will focus on this person’s current ministries in the parish at this time. Much of her involvement includes the assistance of her spouse, which is the case with so many couples in this parish.
This person has been a Eucharistic Minister at the parish for many, many years, sometimes taking Holy Communion to the homebound, as needed. Other involvement at Mass includes being a Mass counter and sacristan. There are times this lady has been called upon to make baptismal stoles for adults or older children, and do special sewing projects, such as making new cloths for our offertory table—even so far as making the Corpus Christi canopy that was used in the past. We expected to use it again this year, but COVID-19 has pushed it off until next June.
Her sewing abilities have been put to many good uses, including quilt making. Every year’s Fall Festival included a homemade quilt for our large item raffle. Quilts are continually made by her and donated to many causes, including the Abiding Care Pregnancy Resource Center’s Receptions for Life. This person was also a former board member for that organization, and continues to support their efforts. She is also involved with POPS and their annual garage sale, and supportive of the efforts of many other community events.
This individual has a special heart for our young people, and her husband has also been involved with this as well. While she serves every year on our Vacation Bible School committee helping our youth with crafts, her husband makes sure their grandchildren are rounded up for a week of fun during that time. Their love for all their children and grandchildren is demonstrated by their involvement in each of their lives.
This person has been involved in the ministry of our parish food pantry for many years. She and her husband shop for the pantry whenever it needs to be restocked. They also supplied the pantry with many personal food items as well. She is a frugal and smart shopper, which has also benefited her position to serve on our parish Finance Committee. When special needs arise in the parish, she and her husband are often there to make those needs a reality.
This individual also works at most funeral dinners and is often seen working in the kitchen at our Fall Festivals along with her husband.
Through the difficulties and challenges in her life, her faith has remained rock solid. She helped her mother as she struggled with cancer. She took her father and deacon into her home before his battle with cancer ended. She and her husband supported their son through his debilitating and tragic accident and personal struggles, and now encourages him in his accomplishments in the World Wheelchair Curling Championships. She is cheerleader for her children and grandchildren in all of life’s encounters. She is friend to many, a person with a big heart, a big smile, a positive attitude, and a kind word.